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The Journalism sequence in the BYU School of Communications trains students to be skilled professionals and discerning consumers of news. The Research and Innovation Project aims to strengthen public understanding and trust in journalism by producing and exploring academic and professional research about the role of journalism in society.

Journalism plays a key role in facilitating democratic deliberation and decision-making. Yet the traditional role of American journalism to provide a check on government use of official power is under attack from those who label as “fake news” anything that does not support their own agenda. To succeed in its role, journalism requires independence from government and trust by citizens.

The value of journalism in people’s lives is made clear as journalism seeks and disseminates truthful, accurate news and information independently and in the public interest; protects human dignity and fundamental rights; and strengthens civic virtue and public participation.

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About this Site

Journalism faculty, staff and students at Brigham Young University started this project to strengthen journalism through research and innovation. The project is supported by a BYU President’s Innovation Fund Grant and operated within the BYU School of Communications.